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To attend to in a sentence

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Sentence count:42+3Posted:2018-10-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: stand to attentionattend totend toextend tointend totend towardsattendattended
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31. I have more pressing things to attend to.
32. Don't pester me. I've got something urgent to attend to.
33. Why should I sit long hours to attend to him, I, who have listened to Disraeli and Fawcett, Stanley and Max Muller, and a whole host of European scholars and divines?
34. Whether you have a commercial transaction to attend to or a more personal, emotional exchange to make, there's a way now, to make positive progress.
35. There is manager Zhu to attend to the surname quondam finance division, Ms. Kong also came back to help his father immediately!
36. The Philippines' TIMA is led by a team of loving medical staff to organize yet another free eye clinic. Doctors arrived before dawn to make sure there was enough time to attend to every patient.
37. Telephone that is die silent a short moment, let to attend to long Qing a bit nervous, not from of took a look if break line.
38. Is proper to attend to long meantime wanting into a compartment[], Qing suddenly a waiter prop dish to come over here and put a decanter of wine and a lot of cups on the salver.
39. Corporation sells, to attend to machine, wringer kitchen small household electrical appliances products and so on production soybean milk machine.
40. She seemed almost feverishly anxious to attend to his comfort.
41. The king ordered his satellite to attend to the guest of honor.
42. Now have of dance actor to attend to at present of benefits, whole day be occupied in business performance, neglect basic achievement of train.
More similar words: stand to attentionattend totend toextend tointend totend towardsattendattendedattend onattendeeattenderattendingbatten downattendantunattendedattendancenon-attendancein attendancefrom end to endattendance rateend to endend-to-endgrind to a haltflight attendantdescend toput an end totended tobattenfattenpatten
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